Artist: Masoumeh Jalaileh

Die iranische Künstlerin Masoumeh Jalalieh lädt zusammen mit 20 Künstler*innen aus dem Iran das Publikum vom 29. Mai bis 2. Juni ins eindorf zum Salon “COOK, EAT, and CLEAN” ein. Den Salon im eindorf zeichnet aus, dass das Publikum in einer intimen Atmosphäre und sehr unmittelbar die Darbietungen erleben kann.

29. Mai bis 02. Juni 2024 von 18:00 bis 22:00 Uhr
Free entrance


Dietmar Baurecht (Bezirksvorsteher) speech
Masoumeh Jalalieh (Curator) speech
Daniel Zimmermann(eindorf) speech
Meinhard Rauchensteiner (Advisor for Science, Culture and Art to the Austrian Federal President) speech & poems

Nima Noury music

Flatland Alireza Keymanesh & Amir Pousti shortfilm
In plain sight Tanin Torabi shortfilm
Artist insurance Masoumeh Jalalieh shortfilm

Even if we are here Yalda Pakzad performance


Damnoosh In Memoriam Sina Saberi lecture performance

Es gibt allerdings Unaussprechliches Marzieh Emadi & Sina Saadat shortfilm
My lovely home Alireza Keymanesh shortfilm

Mit einem Sieb Wasser schöpfen Toranj Mashayekhi & Masoumeh Jalalieh performance

Toranj Mashayekhi music


Nargess in progress Sina Saberi lecture performance


Metaphore Shirin Farshbaf performance

Mira/o Nazanin Mehraein shortfilm
Solitude Roya Keshavarz shortfilm
Licking Ava Jalalishortfilm
Ice cream: the one that is worthy of closure Ava Jalali & Sorena Zahedi shortfilm

ZOORKHANEH Mostafa Shabkhanperformance


/oo/ she her او Nazanin Mehraein performance

Parmiss Rahmani music

Possibilities Shirin Farshbaf performance

The Window Mostafa Shabkhan shortfilm
School Behzad Gholami shortfilm


PASSING THROUGH TIME Ahoo Maher performance

No one knows Nazanin Mehraein shortfilm
Forbiden lines Lagha Ghavam & Maryam Farahi shortfilm
Farewell Masoumeh Jalalieh shortfilm

20h Bita Bell poems

Room Mostafa Shabkhan performance


Avin Ahmadi & Toranj Mashayekhi music


ALL DAYS 18h – 22h

Durational Performance:

INSIDE OUT Hananeh Heydari
Poignant Kimiya Rastgou Moghadam
A house occurs Golara Ghofrani


HEDJLEH Ahoo Maher
A Journey Through Maternity and Mortality Nazanin Mehraein
Entwined Kimiya Rastgou Moghadam



Gezeigt werden Performances, Installationen, Musik und Filmbeiträge. So ist unter anderen der international auftretende Tänzer und Choreograf Mostafa Shabkhan mit zwei Performances vertreten.

Die Musikerin Toranj Mashayekhi zeigt gemeinsam mit Masoumeh Jalalieh eine Live-Sound-Performance mit Küchengegenständen. Die Performance-Künstlerin Yalda Pakzad kommt eigens aus Rom angereist, da sich ihre Performances hauptsächlich um die Idee von Kochen drehen – und damit perfekt in das Konzept von “COOK, EAT, and CLEAN” passen.

Die Installation der in Österreich lebenden Künstlerin Ahoo Maher’s installation ist ein symbolisches Monument, das die Betrachter*innen mit ihrem eigenen gebrochenen Spiegelbild konfrontiert, und Teil einer Ausstellung sein wird.

Der Performer und Choreograf Sina Saberi mit Wohnsitz in Hamburg wird zwei Episoden seiner Trilogie vorstellen: den Prozess seiner neuen Kreation, die in einigen Tagen im Kampnagel Premiere haben wird.

Der Filmemacher, Schauspieler und Choreograf Alireza Keymanesh hat für seine experimentellen Tanzfilme „Flatland“ und „My Lovely Home“ mehrere Preise auf verschiedenen Festivals gewonnen. Beide Filme werden im Salon “COOK, EAT, and CLEAN” zu sehen sein.

Darüber hinaus gibt es weitere Beiträge von Nazanin Mehraein, Shirin Farshbaf, Kimiya Rastgou Moghadam, Hannaneh Heydari,Golara Ghofrani, Ava Jalali, Behzad Gholami, Roya Keshavarz, Lagha Ghavam und Maryam Farahi, Tanin Torabi, Nima Noury, Avin Ahmadi sowie Parmiss Rahmani.

Iranian artist Masoumeh Jalalieh, alongside 20 other artists from Iran, invites the public to the „COOK, EAT, and CLEAN“ salon at eindorf from 29 May to 2 June. The salon at eindorf is characterised by the fact that the audience can experience the performances in an intimate and direct atmosphere.

Performances, installations, music and film contributions will be shown. Among others, the international dancer and choreographer Mostafa Shabkhan is represented with two performances.

Together with Masoumeh Jalalieh, musician Toranj Mashayekhi will present a live sound performance with kitchen utensils. Performance artist Yalda Pakzad has travelled all the way from Rome, as her performances mainly revolve around the idea of cooking – and therefore fit perfectly into the concept of „COOK, EAT, and CLEAN“.

Austrian-based artist Ahoo Maher’s installation is a symbolic monument that confronts viewers with their own broken reflection and will be part of an exhibition.

Hamburg-based performer and choreographer Sina Saberi will present two episodes of his trilogy: the process of his new creation, which will premiere at Kampnagel in a few days.

The filmmaker, actor and choreographer Alireza Keymanesh has won several prizes at various festivals for his experimental dance films „Flatland“ and „My Lovely Home“. Both films will be shown in the „COOK, EAT, and CLEAN“ salon.

There will also be further contributions from Nazanin Mehraein, Shirin Farshbaf, Kimiya Rastgou Moghadam, Hannaneh Heydari, Golara Ghofrani, Ava Jalali, Behzad Gholami, Roya Keshavarz, Lagha Ghavam and Maryam Farahi, Tanin Torabi, Nima Noury, Avin Ahmadi and Parmiss Rahmani.

Image credits:
Masoumeh Jalalieh / Foto by Klaartje Lambrechts
Alireza Keymanesh
Yalda Pakzad / Foto by Camillo Pasquarelli
Kimiya Rastgou Moghadam
Lagha Ghavam / Foto by Moshen Pouryosefian
Mostafa Shabkhan / Foto by Ezzat Ismail Ezzat
Nazanin Mehraein
Roya Keshavarz
Shirin Farshbaf / Foto by Arne_Hauge
Sina Saberi
Ahoo Maher (painting + installation)

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Mit einem Sieb Wasser schöpfen! آب در هاون کوبیدن

This is a collaboration between Toranj Mashayekhi and Masoumeh Jalalieh.
It is a live sound performance based on kitchen objects.
We are constantly surrounded by different tools and objects and their functionality, what if we take the objectivity from these objects and let them live their subjectivity?
In this way, we create an experience of objects that narrate their objectivity by placing them in different situations, constellations, and compositions. The objects symbolize different metaphors as they coexist next to the other objects, the sound, the people, the space, the performer, and the musician as they revisit and reidentify them through different encounters.
In this performance, we invite the audience to listen differently to the sounds and look at the performance from a non-subjective aspect, it is an invitation to the audience to revisit their history and sense of nostalgia through the experience of sound and image.
The performance starts in a non-conformal way, and constant spontaneous compositions, and ends with a flowery bitter-sweet drink and a sound carpet of the entire performance.

Masoumeh Jalalieh

Is a choreographer and dancer from Iran and has been living and working in Vienna for some time. She has developed several stage pieces of her own in Iran and Europe, such as B-or der, Time Paranoia, Decline, and Bish az pish, which have been presented at venues such as Sophiensaele Berlin, Stuk Leuven, Kaaistudios and Les Brigittines Brussels, Pasinger Fabrik Munich and Möe Vienna.
She has collaborated with various choreographers and artists such as Georg Blaschke, Daniel Zimmermann, Hooman Sharifi, Bára Sigfúsdóttir, Emma W. Howes, Justin F. Kennedy, Markus Kupferblum, Klaartje Lambrechts, Tanin Torabi. She has also given dance workshops on minimal movement at Impulstanz, Tanzquartier Wien, and Artgarage and has received various scholarships such as Startstipendium für darstellende Kunst Wien, Danceweb, Maqamat, etc. She developed the performance „Composition I“ with Daniel Zimmermann for the opening of Heimo Zobernik’s white space. Also, she founded Carpet of Time, an association for promoting contemporary performance, dance, film, and art forms, based in Vienna.
She is currently part of the research group „When the Moon Kisses the Sun“ by Robert Stejin, collaborating with Marie Nüzel on a dance piece “Radical and Gentle”, collaborating with Toranj Mashayekhi on a music performance “Mit einem Sieb Wasser schöpfen” and also researching for her new project “Carpet of Time” which will be premiered in 2025.

Image credits: Klaartje Lambrechts

Die iranische Künstlerin Masoumeh Jalalieh lädt zusammen mit 20 Künstler*innen aus dem Iran das Publikum vom 29. Mai bis 2. Juni ins eindorf zum Salon “COOK, EAT, and CLEAN” ein. Den Salon im eindorf zeichnet aus, dass das Publikum in einer intimen Atmosphäre und sehr unmittelbar die Darbietungen erleben kann.

29. Mai bis 02. Juni 2024 von 18:00 bis 22:00 Uhr
Free entrance


Dietmar Baurecht (Bezirksvorsteher) speech
Masoumeh Jalalieh (Curator) speech
Daniel Zimmermann(eindorf) speech
Meinhard Rauchensteiner (Advisor for Science, Culture and Art to the Austrian Federal President) speech & poems

Nima Noury music

Flatland Alireza Keymanesh & Amir Pousti shortfilm
In plain sight Tanin Torabi shortfilm
Artist insurance Masoumeh Jalalieh shortfilm

Even if we are here Yalda Pakzad performance


Damnoosh In Memoriam Sina Saberi lecture performance

Es gibt allerdings Unaussprechliches Marzieh Emadi & Sina Saadat shortfilm
My lovely home Alireza Keymanesh shortfilm

Mit einem Sieb Wasser schöpfen Toranj Mashayekhi & Masoumeh Jalalieh performance

Toranj Mashayekhi music


Nargess in progress Sina Saberi lecture performance


Metaphore Shirin Farshbaf performance

Mira/o Nazanin Mehraein shortfilm
Solitude Roya Keshavarz shortfilm
Licking Ava Jalali shortfilm
Ice cream: the one that is worthy of closure Ava Jalali & Sorena Zahedi shortfilm

ZOORKHANEH Mostafa Shabkhan performance


/oo/ she her او Nazanin Mehraein performance

Parmiss Rahmani music

Possibilities Shirin Farshbaf performance

The Window Mostafa Shabkhan shortfilm
School Behzad Gholami shortfilm


PASSING THROUGH TIME Ahoo Maher performance

No one knows Nazanin Mehraein shortfilm
Forbiden lines Lagha Ghavam & Maryam Farahi shortfilm
Farewell Masoumeh Jalalieh shortfilm

Bita Bell poems

Room Mostafa Shabkhan performance


Avin Ahmadi & Toranj Mashayekhi music


ALL DAYS 18h – 22h

Durational Performance:

INSIDE OUT Hananeh Heydari
Poignant Kimiya Rastgou Moghadam
A house occurs Golara Ghofrani


HEDJLEH Ahoo Maher
A Journey Through Maternity and Mortality Nazanin Mehraein
Entwined Kimiya Rastgou Moghadam



Gezeigt werden Performances, Installationen, Musik und Filmbeiträge. So ist unter anderen der international auftretende Tänzer und Choreograf Mostafa Shabkhan mit zwei Performances vertreten.

Die Musikerin Toranj Mashayekhi zeigt gemeinsam mit Masoumeh Jalalieh eine Live-Sound-Performance mit Küchengegenständen. Die Performance-Künstlerin Yalda Pakzad kommt eigens aus Rom angereist, da sich ihre Performances hauptsächlich um die Idee von Kochen drehen – und damit perfekt in das Konzept von “COOK, EAT, and CLEAN” passen.

Die Installation der in Österreich lebenden Künstlerin Ahoo Maher’s installation ist ein symbolisches Monument, das die Betrachter*innen mit ihrem eigenen gebrochenen Spiegelbild konfrontiert, und Teil einer Ausstellung sein wird.

Der Performer und Choreograf Sina Saberi mit Wohnsitz in Hamburg wird zwei Episoden seiner Trilogie vorstellen: den Prozess seiner neuen Kreation, die in einigen Tagen im Kampnagel Premiere haben wird.

Der Filmemacher, Schauspieler und Choreograf Alireza Keymanesh hat für seine experimentellen Tanzfilme „Flatland“ und „My Lovely Home“ mehrere Preise auf verschiedenen Festivals gewonnen. Beide Filme werden im Salon “COOK, EAT, and CLEAN” zu sehen sein.

Darüber hinaus gibt es weitere Beiträge von Nazanin Mehraein, Shirin Farshbaf, Kimiya Rastgou Moghadam, Hannaneh Heydari,Golara Ghofrani, Ava Jalali, Behzad Gholami, Roya Keshavarz, Lagha Ghavam und Maryam Farahi, Tanin Torabi, Nima Noury, Avin Ahmadi sowie Parmiss Rahmani.

Iranian artist Masoumeh Jalalieh, alongside 20 other artists from Iran, invites the public to the „COOK, EAT, and CLEAN“ salon at eindorf from 29 May to 2 June. The salon at eindorf is characterised by the fact that the audience can experience the performances in an intimate and direct atmosphere.

Performances, installations, music and film contributions will be shown. Among others, the international dancer and choreographer Mostafa Shabkhan is represented with two performances.

Together with Masoumeh Jalalieh, musician Toranj Mashayekhi will present a live sound performance with kitchen utensils. Performance artist Yalda Pakzad has travelled all the way from Rome, as her performances mainly revolve around the idea of cooking – and therefore fit perfectly into the concept of „COOK, EAT, and CLEAN“.

Austrian-based artist Ahoo Maher’s installation is a symbolic monument that confronts viewers with their own broken reflection and will be part of an exhibition.

Hamburg-based performer and choreographer Sina Saberi will present two episodes of his trilogy: the process of his new creation, which will premiere at Kampnagel in a few days.

The filmmaker, actor and choreographer Alireza Keymanesh has won several prizes at various festivals for his experimental dance films „Flatland“ and „My Lovely Home“. Both films will be shown in the „COOK, EAT, and CLEAN“ salon.

There will also be further contributions from Nazanin Mehraein, Shirin Farshbaf, Kimiya Rastgou Moghadam, Hannaneh Heydari, Golara Ghofrani, Ava Jalali, Behzad Gholami, Roya Keshavarz, Lagha Ghavam and Maryam Farahi, Tanin Torabi, Nima Noury, Avin Ahmadi and Parmiss Rahmani.

Image credits:
Masoumeh Jalalieh / Foto by Klaartje Lambrechts
Alireza Keymanesh
Yalda Pakzad / Foto by Camillo Pasquarelli
Kimiya Rastgou Moghadam
Lagha Ghavam / Foto by Moshen Pouryosefian
Mostafa Shabkhan / Foto by Ezzat Ismail Ezzat
Nazanin Mehraein
Roya Keshavarz
Shirin Farshbaf / Foto by Arne_Hauge
Sina Saberi
Ahoo Maher (painting + installation)

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Sun/ Moon/ kisses and Planet Earth
Performance by Masoumeh Jalalieh, Laura Pudelek, Rotraund Kern, Agnes Schneidewind, Robert Steijn and Daniel Zimmerman

27.10.2023 // 17.00

Free entrance

Showing of the next phase of the project by Masoumeh Jalalieh, Laura Pudelek, Rotraund Kern, Agnes Schneidewind, Robert Steijn and Daniel Zimmerman. This time the showing is called: Sun/ Moon/ kisses and Planet Earth. The artists research how they can create a new cosmology that gives a new perspective on how to relate to the turbulent times we live in. They explore through physical states, touch, music, dance and film to create counter-narratives and re-wilding myths to open still unknown potentials to activate our resilience and resistance to the dominant thinking, of thinking of power & violence while causing pollution. Time for dream time.

Image credits: Robert Steijn

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Three days of intensive closed lab to vision possibilities for future collective collaborations between the participants.

Ali Moini, Tara Fatehi Irani, Masoumeh Jalalieh, Ehsan Hemat, Hooman Sharifi, Ashkan Afsharian, Sepideh Khodarahmi

1. – 3. August 2023
not a public event

Three days of intensive closed lab to vision their future collaboration as a collective. What creative criteria and working dynamics can they envision that will enable them to continue to experiment together?

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Masoumeh Jalaileh and Payman Abdali

“B_or der”
Installation 30min

eindorf Residenz:
23.11. – 11.12.2022

“A caged bird stands on the grave of dreams
his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream
his wings are clipped and his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing.”
Maya Angelou

We construct borders to extend our property, attachment, and freedom but what is the line for these borders? Don’t we limit others‘ freedom by extending our own borders?
In Maya Angelou’s poem, ‘the bird opens his throat to sing. The song of the bird is pleasing to the human ear, but at the same time, it is a sign of the bird’s imprisonment. In this image, choreographer Masoumeh Jalalieh found an intriguing starting point for a new performance, which at this point is a work in progress.
As an Iranian dancer and artist, borders are & were always highlighted to me. Whether the geographical ones that shaped the past and present map of my homeland and its relation to other countries, or the cultural borders that came to existence as a result of each geographical and political change within the history of my home country.

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