Forbidden Lines
Kurzfilm(09:21 min)
A collaboration of Lagha Ghavam & Maryam Farahi
In this dance film, we invite viewers to immerse themselves in an otherworldly experience. Our goal is to create a dreamlike space by carefully blending characterizations, filming techniques, costume design, stage elements, and sound design. The essence of this duet dance is the transformation of sensuality and femininity into a whimsical spectacle within our surreal world. A deliberate contrast between the aesthetics of the space and the characterizations creates a sense of suspension and confusion. This cinematic piece invites viewers to enter a realm where women seek liberation from their tangible reality, embracing their authentic bodies within this poetic piece of dance.
Lagha Ghavam
Lagha Ghavam, an interdisciplinary artist from Tehran, Iran, is known for her work as an actress, performer, dance artist, and experimental filmmaker. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theatre Directing and a diploma in Graphic Design and has continuously refined her craft through workshops with renowned masters.
Lagha has directed and choreographed several projects, including award-winning dance films like “Crawling” and “Inhale,” and has been recognized for her directorial and performance skills. She also has collaborated with Sahar Jaberian on choreographing a dance video for the fashion collection “FYAB.”
Additionally, she founded and mentors an underground workshop focusing on contemporary dance techniques.
She has been awarded prestigious international scholarships to programs such as the DanceWeb Programme and the CND in Paris. Lagha’s dedication to artistic exchange was recognized when she was selected as a winner of the shortlisted Artists for the Iran-Greece Exchange Program of Kooshk Art Residency & Duncan Dance Research Center.
Maryam Farahi
Maryam Farahi, born in 1997 in Tehran, Iran, is a multidisciplinary artist with a diverse range of talents. She studied graphics at the Tehran Fine Art School and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in painting from the Islamic Azad University of Arts. Maryam is also a skilled dancer, specializing in hip-hop and classical ballet. She has directed, choreographed, and performed in various dance productions, including the award-winning dance film „Crawling.“ Maryam is the founder of the „Reclaim The Movement“ group, where she leads workshops on contemporary dance techniques. In 2023, she collaborated with dancer Sahar Jabrian on the „FYAB“ project. Maryam Farahi continues to push boundaries and inspire others through her artistry.
Image credits: Lagha Ghavam/ pictures by Moshen Pouryosefian