Ivan Strelkin
Performance “Das Solo der vergewaltigten Geige“ / (In German language)
FRIDAY 20.12.2024/ 19.30

In his solo of the raped violin, the Russian director and writer Ivan Strelkin traces the fate of seven people who came to Vienna in a war-torn world and are looking for a new identity. The seven characters and their stories played by Strelkin are based on actual events. In their linguistic power and fantasy, the texts of “Das Solo der vergewaltigten Geige“ take on Bulgakovian traits. The production oscillates between literature and dance and thus forms a bridge between language and intense physicality: the energy of the text passes into the movement and returns again; the recitation is organized rhythmically and melodically like a musical composition and, together with the movement score, creates an original form of performativity.

Ivan Strelkin
was born in 1988. In 2010 he completed his BA in acting and directing at the St. Petersburg State Theater Academy. In 2013 he was invited as resident director at the Vene Teater (Tallinn, Estonia), where he spent the following three years. He then studied choreography (MA) at the Folkwang University of the Arts and worked as a choreographer and director in Bochum, Luxembourg, Lecce, Montepulciano, etc. In 2021 he moved to Vienna, where he currently lives and works as a freelance director and writer.
He was nominated to Retzhof Dramapreis 2025.
Strelkin is part of the program „Forum Text“ by uniT Graz, it is an educational program for theater writers
Ivan`s piece „Die Düntzer Rhapsodie“ won the Publikumspreis by Drachengasse Nachwuchswettbewerb 2024.
