r i v e r h o o d
a choreographic assemblage
as installation & walks & performances & concert & reading
by sabina holzer – cattravelsnotalone
5th – 11th of April, 2025
at eindorf
r i v e r h o o d invites you to a series of gatherings accompanied by 9 artists and their relations with rivers.
~~ Installation: 5 – 11 April: Jack Hauser
~~ Performance: 10 & 11 April, 18:00 (doors open 17:00): Alix Eynaudi, Sabina Holzer, Oisín Ó Manacháin|Oisín Monaghan, Agnes Schneidewind, Jack Hauser, Boris Hauf
~~ Concert & Reading: 11 April, from 20:30: Boris Hauf & Litó Walkey
Box office: 10,00 € (cash only!)
Please register: eva@mollusca-productions.com
Reduced tickets are possible in special cases by arrangement!
Sabina Holzer (conception)
Wienfluss (script)
Jack Hauser (scenography)
Alix Eynaudi, Sabina Holzer, Oisín Ó Manacháin|Oisín Monaghan, Agnes Schneidewind (choreography, performance, walks)
Christina Gruber (hydrological counseling & walks)
Litó Walkey (writing companion & reading)
Boris Hauf (composition & sound)
Herbert Justnik (dramaturgical companion)
mollusca productions (production management)
With many thanks to: Sabine Grupe
Cooperation: Kunstraum eindorf & Volkskundemuseum Wien
Funded by the Cultural Department of the City of Vienna and the Cultural Commission of Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus
As lovers, neighbors, children, friends, parents, collaborators, and other kinds of connective beings, the artists share their concerns and imaginations for the condition of the world by thinking with rivers. Their shared artistic practices will move the visitors through forms of installations, walks, performances as well as a concert and a reading to open up to these collective reflections:
We turn to the Wienfluss and the geological conditions of the 15th district and follow the extended riverbed and streams through time. By turning to one river, we connect with all the other rivers. The rivers and their waters are veins: in our bodies, in the landscape. They are vulnerable, endangered habitats. The Wienfluß was flooded some months ago. We are also flooded. Swept away into a flowing oblivion. How we were. How we will be. How we could be. Here we invite to bring the attention on the everydayness of our senses and dances.
Again and again we listen to the river. We hear its song. The water carries memories. Of the land, of time. We touch the edges and are touched by them. Flushed by rivers, we want to learn from the water. From the flow. The waves. The horizontal and vertical branches. From the transitions, the living, from those who passed away. Witnessing water roots growing on soaked surfaces through touch, we braid dances and words. Our bodies do not belong to us, they are intertwined, part of each other and the living space. We practice cultivating what we have in common and what is different. We practice trust. Tributaries that we are, we come together from our familiar river land, bringing our gifts and attachment to share, celebrate and dream. we let them become foreign. Often on the threshold, lingering, leaking, moving, being moved, waving, whispering, weeping; full of desires, memories, hopes, and gratitude. In the midst of how crazy we make this world, we connect, practice, and invite a community to come.
earlier at Wienfluss
~~ Walks: 05 & 06 April, 14:00: Sabina Holzer, Oisín Ó Manacháin|Oisín Monaghan, Agnes Schneidewind, Christina Gruber, Jack Hauser.
Meeting point: U4 Hütteldorf on the ground floor, Ströck bakery, duration approx. 2 hours. Afterwards, there is the possibility of a get-together of the visitors at Kunstraum eindorf with the artists.
Participation: pay as you wish!
Please register: eva@mollusca-productions.com
Picture: Sabina Holzer. Wienfluss 2025 & caves of swimmers